The term caught on and is widely used on social media to describe people who think they can rope off sectors of the public green for their exclusive use. Chaddism used to be restricted to the Endymion parade route in Mid-City, but couches, tents, roped off sectors, ladders, and the like are increasingly seen Uptown. It’s a monumental pain in the ass for those of us who live on or near the parade route since Carnival is supposed to be a moveable feast, not urban camping. For the first time in years, the city attempted to enforce existing ordinances against rampant early Chaddery on the parade route. The Chads were shocked that their selfish efforts were not appreciated by the powers that be. They continue to confuse tailgating culture with Carnival culture to the detriment of everyone A friend of mine recently said, “Scratch a Chad and you’ll hear a Trump voter scream.” I’m not sure why they’re itchy but most of the Krewe or Chad appear to be from other parishes and surrounding states, which went overwhelmingly for Trump. They’re convinced that it’s okay to do what they do, so all I can do is pinpoint the problem and hope it gets better. Selfishness is in, after all. Bigly. Let’s move on a more serious issue raised by Carnival 2018. The Case of the Bigoted Beads: The Forever Lee Circle beads were a cause celebre before the big parades rolled on Magazine, Napoleon, and St. Charles. I wrote a post about them for First Draft, Lost Cause Festers Do Mardi Gras. I wound up in an endless wrangle with a Lost Causer whose story shifted every time he commented on the post or on Facebook. The only thing he was consistent about was that he didn’t like the nickname I gave him. Whatever, dude. You don’t get to pick your own nickname, so I’ll give you a new one, which you should be willing to own: Forever Lee Circle Dude. The Forever Lee Circle beads were made to protest the toppling of the monument to Robert E. Lee. To his apologists, Lee was a gentleman and hero of the lost cause. As far as I’m concerned, he was a traitor and a brutal slave owner with no ties to New Orleans. The prospect of the Forever Lee Circle beads being thrown by float riders was the subject of much agita on social media.The Krewe of CHAD has its Orleans Ave territory picked out for #endymion
— Gambit (@The_Gambit) February 6, 2013
That was the only report I saw of those bigoted beads being tossed. It took place during the Krewe of Alla parade. The admonitions by other krewe captains seem to have worked. Score one for the Carnival community; even the conservatives among them don’t want to be associated with blatant racism and reckneckery in a majority African American city. But there was a report of blackface figurines being thrown during the Endymion parade:cha ching
— Michael Tisserand (@m_tisserand) February 7, 2018
“I was just totally perplexed. I didn’t know what to think!” New Orleans resident Carmen Cousin said. Shocked and appalled is the only way Cousin could describe her reaction after she says her 4-year-old son got Black face figurines during the Krewe of Endymion parade on Saturday. Her son was propped up on her fiancee’s shoulders off Canal Street when someone from a float handed him a bubbled wrapped package. “Inside of the bubble wrap were two porcelain Blackfaced figures. One who the female figure looked like she possibly could’ve been a servant and holding a tray and the other was a male Blackfaced doll with a hat in his hand.”The offensive and irrelevant throws were reported to the krewe; as of this writing they don’t appear to have investigated other than making some perfunctory comments on social media to the people who complained. Lost Causers specialize in blowing smoke. The Facebook post below by a guy from Metairie named Rickey Entwistle is typical of the disingenuous way they handle criticism: